/* ---------- js ---------- */ jQuery(function($) { $(function() { $(".formmail_title_bgcolor").each(function() { var placeholder_text = $(this).find("font").text(); $(this).parent("tr").find(".formmail_cell_bgcolor input:first-of-type").attr("placeholder", placeholder_text); $(this).parent("tr").find(".formmail_cell_bgcolor textarea:first-of-type").attr("placeholder", placeholder_text); }); $("table.base_formmail > tbody > tr > td input[name=com_formmail_check_safe]").each(function() { $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().addClass("check_safe"); }); $("#contact .inquire-eng .check_safe textarea").html("> Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information\n- Service user identification, real name authentication, signup confirmation, access to age-restricted services\n- Notice delivery, communications channels for customer complaints, accurate shipping addresses\n- Provision of up-to-date information including new services, provision of personalized services\n- Facilitation of other high quality services\n\n> Personal Information Collected\n- Name, email, resident registration number, address, contact information, mobile number, and other optional items\n\n> Period of Retention and Use\n- Barring special circumstances, all personal information is disposed immediately after fulfilling the purpose of collecting and receiving the information.\n- However, we may keep records of our communications with customers for three months after completion to facilitate future customer services. We may also retain other information as required by the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce or any other law for the specified periods."); $("#contact .inquire-eng .check_safe table tbody tr:first-of-type td:nth-of-type(2)").html("I agree with the purpose of collecting and using personal information"); $("table.base_formmail > tbody > tr > td input[name=captcha_code]").each(function() { $(this).parent("td").parent("tr").addClass("captcha_code"); }); }); });